
Track One: STILL ILL I don’t like being sick. I hate it, in fact. I live alone and being under the weather and not being able to see people, or even have a conversation face to face gets to me and adds to whatever ailment I have to bring me down. So, Berlin Marathon training,…


Obligatory Race Photo Catchup…So here they are, the obligatory race photos from the All State Crescent City Classic, run in New Orleans on the 30th March, and the BUPA London 10K on the 27th May. Hot, sticky and that was just me. The humidity was terrible. I need to stop eating. Clearly being a fat…

29/06/2013 – THE #VIRTUAL10MILER

THE INAUGURAL RUNNERSKNEES @VIRTUAL10MILERTHE IDEA So I had this plan after @marathongrl71’s #VirtualHalfMary back in December to organise my own race. It was a simple and yet brilliant idea. People all over the world could run a race together without having to travel to a single place. The common ground would be Twitter, and the…