
Back from the abyss…When I rain the first of my Half Marathons, the wonderful Royal Parks Half on the 7th October (my God, it seems so long ago), I experienced sharp pains under my knee after I had finished, collected my medal, met the others, grabbed a coffee and tea, dried off, changed and was…


Sidelined…As you may have read, when I started running I had issues mainly caused by the long term effects of the left knee breaks and ankle fractures. I would have acute tendinitis on the interior ligaments of my left knee that would be crippling when the weather changed. I would also suffer shin splints even when…


2 days before the Teach First 2012 Challenge 10K I have been kept up all night by an old enemy. After the second time I broke my left knee come winter I would suffer from terrible pain in my medial collateral ligament. How this manifests itself is that, when the weather changes – normally from…