
The Nike+ SportsWatch Has now officially replaced the Nike+ iPod app. Today I used it for the first time and indoors, so it was using the sensor in my new Nike Air Pegasus 29s. How does it work? Well, if you are outside you say you are going to use GPS, inside you choose SENSOR…


It is 7 a.m. and I am lacing my Old Trusties, the Nike Air Lunar + 5’s using the straight across method. Now,  I know I was going to start breaking in the New Shinies, the Nike Air Max Vomeros HOWEVER, I discovered all my discomfort caused by them was a simple as them being…


The Top to Toe Gear IssueHere is what I have learned so far – I am not a very good runner. But that’s okay. I can deal with being a plodder. 7 months ago I couldn’t even run for 2 minutes without debilitating shin splints stopping me in my tracks. And, because I am not…